12 Sep

What is HTML5?

HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language revision 5) is a markup language used for structure and presentation of World Wide Web contents. HTML5 supports the syntax of traditional HTML and XHTML and there also other new features added in its markup, XHTML, New APIs, and error handling.

HTML5 aims to bring order to web development chaos by organizing common practices and embracing implementations from various browsers. HTML5 is nothing but an umbrella term for the next generation of web apps like how functionality will be expanded with better markup i.e. HTML, better style i.e. CSS, and better interactivity i.e. JavaScript.

Benefits of taking HTML5 Training Course in Noida: 

Following are some advantages of taking HTML5 Training in Noida:

  • You will come to know that new parsing rules are not based on SGML but oriented towards flexible parsing and compatibility.
  • You will be aware of different elements like aside, audio, article, bdi, command, canvas, details, data list, embed, figure, figcaption, header, footer, keygen, hgroup, meter, mark, output, nav, progress, rt, rp, ruby, source, section, summary, video, time and wbr.
  • You will get introduced with various types of form controls like dates and times, number, url, email, search, range and color.
  • You will learn how to apply global attributes for every element like id, hidden data, customer data attributes and so on.
  • Once you gain full knowledge of HTML5 language, you will be able to engage yourself in various development like Front-end Development, Back-end Development, and Mobile App development.
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